Janet Miller (Janilyn)

About the Artist

While the person applying paint on the substrate may have been Janet Miller, she can’t really take responsibility for the outcome as that was totally not her intent when she set about painting.

She was a conduit for what came through her. From her practice, she totally under-stands other authors and artists who believe they downloaded the information they wrote down or discovered. We are left to do our best to decipher what has come through and birth it into the world.

Janet has been working in the field of interior design for more than two decades. She has owned her own design business, enhancing the lives of many people through her ability to create a warm and comfortable living environment.

Janet’s easy-to-work-with style is in tune with her clients and represents their vision for their home or business.

Because of Janet’s sensitivity to the energy around her, she has become a Reiki Master/Teacher and Feng Shui consultant, as well as studying the effects of color on human life in order to better help her clients.

Janet now lives in Montana, near two of her three children and their families.